bhc-spring-convention-logo Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

23-25 October 2025

Speaker: Sam Reeve  

Spring Convention is a great time to meet up with friends, make new ones, share fellowship together and
learn more from God’s Word. As we are in or approaching retirement, we have had many life experiences and may
have worked out the Ageless truths of life. However, there is always more to learn in our spiritual journey and it is our privilege to have Sam Reeve with us as he shares four truths from the Bible which do not change.

We will be enjoying the facilities in the Hope Centre for meals and accommodation 
(an available option).

The program will include inspirational messages from Sam, praise and worshipping God as we enjoy music from all ages, seminars on relevant topics, a bookshop for you to browse, good food and recreational activities.

Come yourself and bring a friend!.

SamReeve Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention

Speaker - Sam Reeve

Sam Reeve and his family spent 14 years in Pakistan sharing the good news of Jesus and training people for ministry. 

With a passion to reach everyone, Sam joined the faculty of Melbourne School of Theology to train others in mission. 

In 2014 Sam became the senior Pastor of CrossCulture, a multicultural church in the heart of Melbourne. Having recently retired from Pastoral ministry Sam is in demand to speak at many different places.



bhc-spring-convention-logo Spring Convention | Belgrave Heights Convention



6:00pm - Dinner in the Hope Centre dining room
7.45pm    Sam Reeve
9pm          Supper


10am        Sam Reeve 
11am          Morning tea 
11.45am    Sam Reeve 
1pm           Lunch 
Afternoon Activities 
6pm          Dinner & Concert 
9pm          Supper


10am      Sam Reeve
12 noon  Lunch
2:30pm  Songs of Praise 
(ticket to Spring Convention includes entry to Songs of Praise)